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SG{3} It's no fair, I WANT MY OWN AVATAR!

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  • Originally posted by *End Is Forever*
    Wombat is an evil southerner...

    Officially, England's second city is Birmingham, but in reality Manchester is probably England's real second city. Manchester is the biggest student city in Europe and hence is probably more "happening" than even London... and more affordable. Certainly there's something for every taste. Liverpool isn't as big or important, but it's certainly up there.

    Manchester and Liverpool are about three hours from London to the North-West.
    Which town would be the best for a visiting American 35 yearold businessman. London was great. Is Manchester better?


    • SG{3}
      I have absolutely no idea about the happeningness of liverpool as I am only alllowed to go under the supervision of the clinically boring...
      manchester is quite cool really, there is less publicity about muggings in manchester, it's just cos u lot are jealous...
      anyhoo, I live in an up-market suburb... <--- that is supposedly the reason that there is sod all to do and even less happens where i live... *sigh*
      *perks up a /little/ bit* less pollution I guess.
      ha ha ha! SG(2) has turned velcro!!!!!!!

      excuse me! geeky little brother?!! NOOOOOO!!!!
      Well there is always the (semi) step ones... they think apolyton is extremely sad, @ times I agree. <--- colour coordination @ its best!
      there will not be an SG<4>! EVER!!!!!

      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • Which town would be the best for a visiting American 35 yearold businessman. London was great. Is Manchester better?
        Well, that depends what you want to do with your time. From a "tourist" point of view London has a lot more to do... Manchester is probably second although Liverpool does have lots of Beatlesy-type stuff if that takes your fancy...

        In terms of bars and "socialising" Manchester is probably as good as London - not quite as much choice, but more compact and certainly a lot cheaper.
        Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


        • Hmm... if you tell me what you did in London and why you enjoyed it so much perhaps I'd be able to say a bit more...
          Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


          • In London, I did the walking tours and looked at old buildings and stuff. Also loved Hyde Park. Running there and having lunch out in the summer sun. Looking at all the secretaries doing the same and catching a nice noontime snooze. Also the bars and restaurants were OK. Although, unless I was with people I knew, it was hard to socialize. kind of fun seeing all the sharply dressed business-people, etc. but hard to communicate with them unless you had a reason to. Oh...and I dated a very pretty girl from Essex...and I've heard the jokes!


            • I doubt you could do that to the same extent in Manchester... compared to London it's not very big at all. Not that there aren't parks and cool bars and restaurants though...

              *bites lip and refuses to make Essex girl joke*
              Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


              • Let it out, man! You can't keep that bottled up!


                  Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


                  • SG{3}

                    What is the difference between a shopping trolley and an essex girl?
                    - a shopping trolley has a mind of its own!

                    what is the difference between an essex girl and the titanic?
                    - on the titanic they know how many people went down...

                    Well that's just a couple of the top of my head!
                    sorry! GP I just couldn't resist!

                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • That's OK, I used to tease "Sawah" with Essex girls jokes after I learned about that stuff. She was an incredible girl though. Great body, short soft hair, awesome accent, and a lot of fun...smiled a lot!


                      • Originally posted by GP
                        That's OK, I used to tease "Sawah" with Essex girls jokes after I learned about that stuff. She was an incredible girl though. Great body, short soft hair, awesome accent, and a lot of fun...smiled a lot!
                        Excuse me? An Essex girl had an awesome accent? If I hear one more helpline girl going "helLOOOa. I'm TracEEEEa. How can I help yewwwww?" I swear I'm gonna scream.
                        The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                        Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                        All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                        "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara

